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Edgefield Farm Is currently on Haitus and not accepting orders for the 2023-24 season.

Working with nature

Edgefield Farm lamb is raised on intensively managed pasture. We don’t feed any grain or use any or growth-promoting drugs. As a result, our lamb takes longer to grow than grocery-store lamb. It’s this slower process that lets the lamb develop a rich, complex flavor that simply can’t be rushed.

The grazing system that Edgefield Farm uses to produce lamb enhances soil health and actually sequesters more carbon than our sheep and farming operations emit! You can feel good about your carbon footprint when you enjoy Edgefield Farm lamb.

While wild predators pose a real danger to sheep, we prefer to use non-lethal methods to protect our animals. Portable electrified netting and a livestock guardian dog ward off coyotes, bears, and stray domesticated dogs. In three decades of raising sheep on pasture, we have never had to resort to killing a predator.

Know your farmer

Bill Fosher has been raising sheep for more than 30 years. He’s become an expert on pasture management, soil health, and livestock welfare. Over the years he has dabbled in raising beef, poultry, pork, and vegetables but sheep have always been at the center of the farm’s operations.

In addition to raising livestock, Bill also has a passion for working dogs. Livestock guardian dogs keep the animals safe from predators, and the working Border collies help Bill move them around the farm with as little stress as possible.

In his day job, Bill is a certified conservation planner for the American Farmland Trust. In this role, he advises his fellow farmers on ways to make their operations more environmentally sustainable and economically viable.